Central Heating & Skin

Are you cranking up the central heating this winter? While central heating can help you feel warm and comfortable on a cold day, it can dry out the air and rob the skin of much-needed moisture. As a result, your skin may start feeling and looking dry and irritated with more prominent fine lines. The good news? You don't have to abandon your heaters to keep your skin hydrated and dewy. Here are some tips to fix this common winter problem: (1) Minimize products that dry out skin, such as astringents, clay masks, harsh soaps, etc. The skin barrier can quickly weaken during winter due to the arid, dry air. Instead, try focusing on hydrating and soothing your skin with products that nourish your skin's microbiome. (2) Use an occlusive moisturizer. Layering your go-to moisturizer or cream with an occlusive oil can preserve moisture for longer. (3) Up your water intake. Keeping your internal hydration level high can help your skin look more radiant and healthy.

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